Binance revealed collaborating with the Delhi Police to take down a “sophisticated scam” orchestrated by a fraudulent entity known as “M/s Goldcoat Solar.” According to the press release shared with CryptoPotato, the crackdown resulted in several arrests and the confiscation of more than 100,000 USDT in crypto assets. Solar Scam...
Hong Kong Police Bust Deepfake Romance Crypto Scam That Resulted in $46M Theft
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has dismantled a massive cross-border fraud operation that used deep fake technology to con men into phony cryptocurrency investments. The scam targeted men through fake online romances, with the victims reportedly being conned out of approximately $46 million. 27 Arrested in Raid on Fraud...
Hong Kong Police Bust Deepfake Romance Crypto Scam That Resulted in $46M Theft
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has dismantled a massive cross-border fraud operation that used deep fake technology to con men into phony cryptocurrency investments. The scam targeted men through fake online romances, with the victims reportedly being conned out of approximately $46 million. 27 Arrested in Raid on Fraud...
Hong Kong Police Bust Deepfake Romance Crypto Scam That Resulted in $46M Theft
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has dismantled a massive cross-border fraud operation that used deep fake technology to con men into phony cryptocurrency investments. The scam targeted men through fake online romances, with the victims reportedly being conned out of approximately $46 million. 27 Arrested in Raid on Fraud...
Hong Kong Police Bust Deepfake Romance Crypto Scam That Resulted in $46M Theft
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has dismantled a massive cross-border fraud operation that used deep fake technology to con men into phony cryptocurrency investments. The scam targeted men through fake online romances, with the victims reportedly being conned out of approximately $46 million. 27 Arrested in Raid on Fraud...
Hong Kong Police Bust Deepfake Romance Crypto Scam That Resulted in $46M Theft
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has dismantled a massive cross-border fraud operation that used deep fake technology to con men into phony cryptocurrency investments. The scam targeted men through fake online romances, with the victims reportedly being conned out of approximately $46 million. 27 Arrested in Raid on Fraud...
Hong Kong Police Bust Deepfake Romance Crypto Scam That Resulted in $46M Theft
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has dismantled a massive cross-border fraud operation that used deep fake technology to con men into phony cryptocurrency investments. The scam targeted men through fake online romances, with the victims reportedly being conned out of approximately $46 million. 27 Arrested in Raid on Fraud...
Hong Kong Police Bust Deepfake Romance Crypto Scam That Resulted in $46M Theft
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has dismantled a massive cross-border fraud operation that used deep fake technology to con men into phony cryptocurrency investments. The scam targeted men through fake online romances, with the victims reportedly being conned out of approximately $46 million. 27 Arrested in Raid on Fraud...
Hong Kong Police Bust Deepfake Romance Crypto Scam That Resulted in $46M Theft
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has dismantled a massive cross-border fraud operation that used deep fake technology to con men into phony cryptocurrency investments. The scam targeted men through fake online romances, with the victims reportedly being conned out of approximately $46 million. 27 Arrested in Raid on Fraud...
Bitget Wallet Narrows Gap with Binance in Download Rankings: Report
Bitget revealed that its native wallet has surpassed 40 million users, representing a growth of over 100% since March 2024. This brought the platform closer to Binance, making it the second most downloaded crypto app in the world. In fact, Bitget Wallet recorded 6 million downloads in September alone. In...